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Coronavirus FAQ

Corona Virus

JC Families


Coronavirus is a class of viruses that cause the common cold, but COVID-19 is a new strain of this virus.  It was discovered in 2019 which is why it has this name.

Most symptoms are mild: runny nose, cough, fever.  You can’t tell you have the virus by these symptoms because several viruses can cause the same symptoms.  Common examples are influenza and rhinovirus.

As long as you haven’t travelled internationally and haven’t been in contact with someone with COVID-19, you can assume you have a different virus.  We can test you to check for the other viruses, but COVID-19 testing is reserved for high risk patients.

WASH YOUR HANDS AND DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE. These are the most important things to do.  The virus lives in large droplets so can be transferred on surfaces like doorknobs.  No need to wear a mask and gloves unless you are a healthcare worker.  SOCIAL DISTANCING is important to stop spreading disease from people who don’t have symptoms.  Don’t shake hands, keep six feet away from people.  Try to limit going out to essential things, like doctor’s appointments.  Try to do work and school remotely.             

Yes they can, but their symptoms are mild.  They can also get gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and diarrhea.

 The symptoms are often the same, so it’s hard to tell clinically.  We have to see your history and of course we can do a rapid test in the office to make sure it’s not the flu. 

These are the same as anyone else.  Please also get your flu shot so that we ca minimize risk of influenza.  If you are suspecting COVID-19, please talk to your OB so that they can make sure all the correct precautions are taken before and after delivery

Be considerate and patient.  The virus has spread around the world, but thankfully most people have had mild disease.  If you have mild symptoms, stay home for 14 days.  If you have no symptoms, use hand hygiene and social distancing.  If you feel unwell then call your doctor before going in to be seen.  If you are not sure what to do, you can call the Jersey City hotline at 201-547-5208.  Please remember everyone is running out of supplies including hospitals and doctors’ offices.  They will try their best to help you, but not everyone can be tested. 

Ray Santos, MD and Ritu Sharma, MD

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